1 Peter 2:25 (New American Standard Bible)
For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and [a]Guardian of your souls.
The hymn “Amazing Grace” written by John Newton in 1778 includes the following lyrics: “I once was lost, but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.” Often, we agonize over where God is. We attempt to follow our own path. We make decisions without praying to Him about them and when things go wrong and we become lost, we wonder why God let these things happen. Sometimes we turn our back on God. We say forget God or don’t consider Him in the first place. We may say to ourselves, “If He really loved me, I wouldn’t have to go through this. I wouldn’t have to feel this pain, loneliness, hurt, rejection, sickness, etc.” And, if we don’t consider God, we might seek other ways to console ourselves. We get drunk, do drugs, have illicit affairs, hurt people, seek ungodly council, etc.
Alternatively, we may feel convicted after realizing our transgression and this is when we should repent, ask for forgiveness, and seek God’s guidance.
God is always there waiting for you to turn to Him. When you find God, you’ll find forgiveness, peace, love, and guidance.
Father in Heaven, thank you for always being present. Thank you for taking me back when I am lost. Please bless me to always be where you are. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen.